Yr holl grëadigaeth faith ynghyd

(Digonolrwydd llawenydd ger Dy fron)
Yr holl grëadigaeth faith ynghyd,
Neu yn y môr, neu yn y byd,
  Yn eitha'u rhwysg,
      eu rhif, a'u rhyw,
Yr holl ogoniant maith yn un
A weldodd neu a glywodd dyn,
  Grynhow'd yn hollol yn fy Nuw.

Tydi yw'r ffynnon fawr, ddi-drai,
Sy'n rhoddi dyfroedd i barhau,
  A ffrydiau o anfeidrol ryw;
Rhyw dir o gariad yw Dy hedd,
A nef y nef yw
    gwel'd Dy wedd,
  Y nawdd a'r cysur mwya'n fyw.

'D oes doniau dàn y wybr lâs
A ddŷd Dy enw mawr i maes,
  Na geiriau ettyb îs y rhôd;
Ac nis gall yr angylion, chwaith,
Trwy gymmysg pur ganiadau maith,
  Ddadseinio'r ganfed
      ran o'th glôd.

Pa bryd câf deimlo'r awel gref
Sy'n chwythu i ffwrdd gymylau'r nef?
  I mi gael gweled Salem bur —
Gogoniant dwyfol uwch y rhôd,
Nas gwelodd llygad dyn erioed,
  Ac nas mwynheir mewn anial dir.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888.888]:
Llangoedmor (alaw Gymreig)
Llangollen (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)
Nazareth (<1869)

gwelir: Datguddia'n gyflawn i'm ar frys

(The sufficiency of joy in thy presence)
The whole vast creation altogether,
Whether in the sea, or in the world,
  With their extreme grandeur,
      number, and kind,
The whole vast glory as one
That man saw or heard,
  Were concentrated wholly in my God.

Thou art the great, unebbing fount,
That is giving waters to endure,
  And streams of an immeasurable kind;
Some land of love is thy peace,
And the heaven of heaven is
    to see thy countenance,
  The greatest refuge and comfort alive.

There are no gifts under the blue sky
That sets forth thy great name,
  Nor words that answer under the vault;
And nor can the angels, either,
Through a pure mixture of vast songs,
  Resound the hundredth part
      of thy praise.

When may I feel the strong breeze
That is blowing away the clouds of heaven?
  For me to get to see pure Salem -
Divine glory above the vault,
That no human eye ever saw,
  And is not enjoyed in a desert land.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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